The Top Twenty Percent.
Make yourself lists. Making a list is crucial to really getting things done. When you know what it is you are to get done, you do not waste any time trying to figure out where to begin.
Always work on the top 20% because there is never enough time in life to do everything but there is always enough time to do the important things. So always work on the top 20% of the items on your list that make up for the greatest amount of value whether it be what you accomplish at home or at your job.
It is pretty typical for people to write their list of things to do and then pick out that which is easy and fun to do first which NEVER leaves time to accomplish anything of true value and then they wonder why they don’t get things done and this can weigh very heavy on your mind.
When we truly want to develop personal power and help keep our mood from slipping into a negative pattern we must constantly feed our minds with positive productive thoughts.
The sense of pride that you will feel for getting things accomplished is a very strong tool in maintaining a positive mental attitude.
You must train yourself to concentrate on the hardest yet most valuable tasks if you really want to achieve the type of success that propels you forward in life. By keeping personal development at the top of your list of things to do on a daily basis you cannot help but to see improvements in your life.
The ability to single minded concentrate on one thing at a time, to persevere and to will yourself to accomplishing that one major task is a huge key to building your personal power and it is a trait that is shared by all great achievers.
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