Why is it necessary to keep track of my success?
CONSTANTLY REVIEW your sales activity. You should always be revising your MAJOR / MINOR client list. You have yet to meet your “next best client”. Use this system as the base for your 90-Day Action Plan.
“The only man who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew every time he sees me, while all the rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them”
George Bernard Shaw
This system is designed to be continuously changed. Cull your lists adding new accounts and deleting others from both your major and minor lists. Put forth your efforts only where you feel you have the highest probability to achieve your desired objectives.
Concentrate your best efforts on your TOP 10 Accounts. Sales and Marketing is a contact sport; meaning the more people you contact the better you will do. Make sure that even though you concentrate on your TOP 10 MAJOR Accounts, you also follow your plans to contact every Major / Minor Account each week as well.
Track your daily activity on your Call Sheets. Use your call records to improve your calls and raise the level of your sales efficiency.
Schedule your every Working Hour! Plan each day’s activities before you start.
List all the things you want to accomplish each day. Prioritize the things you want to accomplish and list them. Focus your attention on those tasks that are urgent and important. At the end of the day review your list. Cross off each item successfully completed on your list and carry forward each item remaining onto the next day’s list.
Keep each day’s lists and review them monthly to gain insights on where you need help and where you are an expert. This scheduling process alone will lead you to more success than any other action you can take!
Take the path of least resistance to business development. There are plenty of potential clients out there. Only spend time on those clients where you can get results. Big or small, once you identify a potential client fit them into your Action Plan and start contacting them on a consistent basis.
“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results”Do not waste your time beating a dead horse (client) for deals you will never see. The G.N.O.M.E.S System is designed for salespeople who work hard but also work smart. You can get where you are going without a map. However you’ll arrive at where you want to go a lot faster with one. With a plan for your success you will waste a lot less time and attaining your goals becomes absolute versus letting others dictate and control your success or failure.
Milton Friedman
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