Sunday, August 15, 2010

How did I get here?

I started my 90-day Body By Vi Challenge on April 27, 2010 at a weight of 185lbs and was at the upper end of a 34" waist. The mortgage company I worked for, as the National Sales Trainer, had recently closed down. Suddenly, after spending the past 9 years building a career, I was faced with a startling reality. I was actually going to have to "apply" to a job [read] J.O.B. - Just Over Broke.

The Mortgage Industry was no longer the same; companies were no longer scrambling to hire simply to keep pace with volume. Companies were and still are dropping like flies, and besides where was I going to find a company that would take on the expense of hiring a trainer, seemingly a "luxury position", at least not one that would replace even a fraction of the income I had just lost?

Struggling with the thought of working a 9-5 job I began searching for alternatives outside of the mortgage industry. After all, as a Sales Trainer my primary role was to teach people how to be successful. It was time to practice what I had preached to so many others, "If you don't have a plan, you plan to fail". I needed a plan and fast!

As I was browsing the web searching for a new path in life I came across an article about healthy eating habits. This article soon led to 100's more like it and an obsession with my nutrition and fitness, and a path to a healthier me.

Now, as you get to know me, you will soon realize that when I start something that I have even the slightest interest in, I have to become an expert. I have to learn everything there is to know and how I can utilize what I have learned to improve my life.

Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.
                                                                        - George Sheehan

This incessant desire to be the best at everything I do is what fueled me to a successful career in the mortgage industry. What started out, almost 10 years-ago, as a means to an end, became a passionate and successful career.

This same determination and drive for success is what has led my life-long passion for the outdoors down the path of becoming another successful career.  Eight months ago I created The Call of the Wild Outdoor Adventures as a marketing vehicle. This vehicle has carried me to sponsorship and Pro Staff opportunities that I never imagined. It has also led to regularly published articles in Hunting Fitness Magazine and on as well as an ad sales opportunity with Hunting Fitness Magazine.  Plan C is coming along nicely . . . but we'll save that for another day.

Skeptism Turns to Excitement - Time for Change

A few weeks into my new "hobby", eating healthy and interval-training 6-days a week, I received a message from a former co-worker in response to one of my Facebook posts about my newly formed obsession. Her message simply said, "You should check this out. You would be good at it." The message also contained a link to her ViSalus website.

My skeptism towards Network Marketing led to me simply blow it off. Another week or so went by, I continued on my path of healthy living. Then, I received a second message from Dominique. She encouraged me to look at it further. Still skeptical, I told Dominique that, while I saw potential, I likely would not use the products. I was on a straight and narrow path, eating 6 very specific meals a day using food as fuel, nothing more - nothing less. Another week went by, we exchanged a few more messages; I finally decided to look a little closer. I starting researching the company and the products, as everyone should. I was absolutely amazed at what I was finding. Once I began looking, ViSalus started appearing everywhere I turned: Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and countless other social networking forums.

What I found intrigued me; the success people are experiencing with not only ViSalus as a company but the results they are getting from the products are absolutely amazing. Still skeptical and on a tight budget, I was really torn with what to do. I saw all these people not only making a great income and driving new BMWs, I saw them helping others lead happier, healthier lives. I decided what the heck, I have nothing to lose . . . I jumped in with both feet.

Why did I join ViSalus?

The reason why is very simple. When the company I was working for closed and I lost my families only source of income, I made a commitment to my self that I would never be in that a situation again . . . A situation where someone else's decisions and efforts dictate my future.

I am still working in the mortgage industry, not as a trainer but as an Account Executive for one of the fastest growing wholesale lenders in the Country. However, at one point in time the last company I worked for was one of the fastest growing companies in the Nation too. So, now I have a plan, I am an Account Executive. Now I needed a Plan B and maybe even a Plan C to avoid another financial disaster.

I decided that Dominique was right; I would not only be good at this, I will be great! After all, I have spent the past several years developing successful business planning and sales and marketing strategies. I have presented training webinars and live presentations for thousands of successful mortgage professionals across the country. Time and time again individuals have sought out my expertise and advice on how to build their business, would I be good at this . . . absolutely. I now have a Plan B!

Please do not mistake my confidence for arrogance. I am by no means arrogant however I am extremely confident in my abilities. I know what I can do when I put my mind to something. I also know that nothing bad can come from hard work and dedication to ones goals.

If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks.  I've had them; everybody has had them.  But obstacles don't have to stop you.  If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.  Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
                                                                - Michael Jordan

Where do we go from here?

Now we begin the search for like-minded individuals; people that have the desire to achieve, people that understand what it takes to be successful.

You may already have a career, you may be skeptical about Network Marketing, you may try to tell yourself “it just isn’t for me” . . . but do you have a Plan B?

In today’s World, one cannot afford to rely on hope. Hope is not a strategy, you can be hopeful for something but you cannot rely on hope to make it a better tomorrow.

Do not let fear stand in your way. In fact, fear should be the very thing that drives you forward to pick up the phone and call me. The fear that, in an instant financial disaster could strike and you do not have a Plan B.

Those of us that are successful do all the things those that are not, think are a waste of time.
                                                                  - Anonymous

In closing, remember, ViSalus is not about selling a product. It is not about badgering your friends, family, and co-workers about this “miracle” product that they cannot live without; it is about helping people lead better lives. You have an opportunity to help those around you live to their fullest potential. You have an opportunity to improve your quality of life and the lives of others. Maybe your life is great just the way it is, that is fantastic but it does not mean you should not try to help those around you. Everyone one of us knows someone that could lead a healthier life, use a little extra income or simply loves helping others . . . welcome to Network Marketing!

1 comment:

  1. I have known Jesse Lopez in the mortgage industry for the past 4 years. There is no one out there that I would trust anymore in getting a job done like Jesse can. If it can be done and done right, he has the keys! We have all been caught in the financial melt down. Jesse has always been there for my company even after hours and on weekends...what lender would do that one! I cold always depend on Jesse to tell me the truth even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear! How great is that???? It's priceless in this industry! If there was a way to achieve a goal and make everyone a happy camper...he would spend hours in research until he came up with and answer or find someone who did have the answer...I am truly greatful for information he has been able to give me through the past few years and I know he will be a total success in what ever he does...because, he makes it his own! You aren't going to need luck, you make things happen Jesse!

    Renee King/Broker/Owner
    Zion Financial LLC
